Doing a car review on the net and my brother is trying login to his xbox account, going to play Project Gotham Racing, his friends are online; at the Xbox dashboard, I accidentally saw at the selection Kia and Volkswagen. Kia Motors is promoting their 2011 Kia Optima and Volkswagen is promoting their all-new Beetle.
Kia's video when select it on their microsite on XBOX-360
I tried to slect the Kia Optima icon, you will be redirected to 2011 Kia Optima microsite; I compare and check the official website on the internet, if the page is the same with the page posted on the XBOX-360, the interface is different, but the content is the same which you can download on their official website; it is also same with Volkswagen, with a twist of a game posted on their site on Xbox-360. The advergaming use was the product placement, but for consoles.
I like their approach on trying new channels in promoting their porducts especially for gamers. Hope to see more of these with different car manufacturer.